ADSF, Agir Pour La Santé des Femmes • France
2021 • Fight against exclusion,Health
ADSF, Agir Pour la Santé des Femmes
Founded in 2001, ADSF aims to improve the overall health care of the most precarious women ( homeless, lonely, victims of violence or Human trafficking) the furthest from the healthcare system.
In France, more and more women live below the poverty threshold and find themselves in a profound exclusion situation. The precariousness is aggravated by several factors:
Renunciation or refusal of care for economic reasons, discrimination, language barrier, violence they suffer from degraded or precarious living conditions or the fact that specific aspects women’s health are often neglected in existing health support programs.
ADSF is part of a network and undertakes its actions in coordination with social workers ans healthcare providers.
Financial support from FAAU will enable ADSF to support at least 25 women alone or with children, including temporary shelter (2 to 5 nights depending of the case), food supply (restaurant vouchers or personalized support), hygiene kits, transport tickets, medical and psychological support (individual and group interviews to assess medical needs and psychological support) by volunteers and healthcare professionals.