CABIRIA • France
2021 • Fight against exclusion,Health

CABIRIA was created in 1995 in the context of the fight against HIV. It promotes and develops a community health strategy, aimed at involving the staff to be as close as possible to the needs of the people.
It fights against all exclusions, discriminations and violence against sex workers. To fulfill its objectives, it carries out prevention and awareness-raising action on HIV and sexually transmitted diseases and support sex workers in accessing healthcare and fundamental rights.
The massive use of websites and social networks dedicated to prostitution has led the association to built a project for Escort Girls who work on the internet. This project aims to mobilize escort girls on the internet from different communities to carry out virtual marauding. The objective is to establish a first contact with escort girls on the internet to encourage the creation of a trustful relation, to break their isolation, and to stimulate discussions around health, prevention and access to rights, in particular by offering prevention packages sent by post.
The FAAU supports CABIRIA for the implementation of its virtual marauding pilot project to enable them to gather enough data and information so that CABIRIA can obtain permanent financing for this type of action and to spread this model.