2021 • Fight against exclusion
Founded in 2012 in Nîmes, VIA FEMINA FAMA aims to support women victims from violence and to help fighting violence against women.
During th first confinement en 2020, the association notices a significant increase of emergency calls from women victims of violence. This observation made more obvious the difficulties for a woman to report acts of domestic violence if she was isolated and geographically far from an urban center. Lack of hosting structures in villages, fear of stigma, rumors and retaliation, isolation from family and friends very often put in place by the violent spouse, add to transportation difficulties.
Based on this observation, VIA FEMINA FAMA has decided to extend its activities throughout the Gard Department to allow women in rural areas to benefit from the same support as women living in urban centers.
The FAAU provides financial support to the association so that it can:
- recruit an train new volunteers throughout the Gard area,
- install new local outlets,
- develop partnerships at the national level.